Wednesday 12 December 2012

Jay Chou

一说起周杰伦,很多人都会想到的他是一个成功的歌手,但在这个成功的背后,其实他更是一个成功的生意人,美国最新一期《Fast Company》杂志策划“商场中最有创意的100人”特刊,就有他的名字。



Warren Buffet

1 He bought his first share at age 11 and he now regrets that he stared too late!
--Things were very cheap that time encourage your children to invest.

2 He bought a small farm at age 14 with savings from delivering newspapers.
--One could have bought many things with little savings.
--Encourage your children to start some kind of business.

3 He still lives in the same 3-bedroom house in mid-town Omaha, which he bought after he got married 50 years ago. He says that he has everything he needs in that house. His house does not have a wall or a fence.
--Don't buy more than what you ''really need'' and encourage your children to do and think the same.

4 He drives his own car everywhere and does not have a driver or security people around him.
--You are what you are.

5 He never travels by private jet, although he owns the world's largest private jet company.
--Always think how you can accomplish things economically.

6 His company, Berkshire Hathaway, owns 63 companies. He writes only one letter each year to the CEOs of these companies, giving them goals for the year. He never holds meetings or calls them on a regular basis.
--Assign the right people to the right jobs.

7 He has given his CEOs only 2 rules:
a. Do not lose any of your shareholder’s money.
b. Do not forget rule number @.
--Set goals and make sure people focus on them.

8 He does not socialize with the high society crowd. His past time after he gets home is to make himself some popcorn and watch TV.
--Don't try to show off, just be yourself and do what you enjoy doing.

9 Warren Buffet does not carry a cell phone, or a computer on his desk.

*His advice to young people:
''Stay away from credit cards (bank loans) and invest in yourself and remember"
a. Money doesn't create man but it is the man who created money.
b. Live your life as simple as you are.
c. Don't do what others say, just listen them, but do what you feel good.
d. Don't go on brand name; just wear those things in which you feel comfortable.
e. Don't waste your money on unnecessary things; just spend on them who really in need rather.
f. After all it's your life then why gives chance to others to rule our life.

Great Stories

⋯⋯ 之後,歐巴馬問蜜雪兒,為什麼餐廳老闆如此感興趣與妳談話。原來,在她的少女時代,餐廳老闆曾瘋狂地愛上她。

他父親因車禍失去半條腿,因此變成酒鬼,經常對孩子怒駡及施暴;12歲的他爲了避開家暴,聖誕節前夕在街上遊蕩,而被一罐包裝精美的咖啡罐吸引;他把咖啡偷偷塞進棉衣,卻被店主發現,拼了命的逃回家里,只因他想給父親一個聖誕禮物,不想聽父親抱怨家裡的咖啡太難喝;平安夜當全家在讚歎那可口香濃的咖啡時,店主找上門來,他因此被父親一頓暴打。他長大了,對父親的懼怕漸漸成了憎恨,并以父親的墮落為恥,他半工讀直到大學畢業,期間忙碌的他只能每月給母親打電話,卻不曾對父親問候一句;因工作表現出色而成為總經理的他,面對女友問起他的父親,他回答他父親很早過世了;29歲那年,他母親說父親很想念他,希望見他一眼,他因客戶有約而拒絕了;一周后,他回家時發現他父親過世了,就在他母親打電話來的第二天...;他在收拾父親遺物時發現一個生銹的咖啡罐,裡頭有一封信:“ 我是個粗人,是個失敗的父親,給不了你好的環境,無法供你讀大學,但孩子,我真的有夢想,擁有一間咖啡館是我最大的願望,穿上乾淨的衣服,悠閒的為你們泡杯濃咖啡... 痛苦悲傷的他毅然辭去高薪的工作,并完成父親的遺願;爲了創業,他找了242人籌集100萬美元,217人拒絕他,還說他瘋了。他就是星巴克(Starbuck)創始人:舒尔 Howard Schultz

Tiger Wood
过了几天,里奇。费尔曼来到他家,他已经帮人他联系到了一家高尔夫球俱乐部,准备带他去扬名。小伙子告诉老师,他打算去工作了。里奇。费尔曼沉吟半响,然后问他:我的孩子,你的梦想是什么?过了好一会,他才红着脸说:“当一个像尼克劳斯一样的高尔夫球运动员,挣很多钱,给母亲买一栋漂亮的别墅。”里奇。费尔曼听完,对他说:“你现在就去工作,那么,你的梦想呢?不错,你马上就可以每周挣到500美元,很了不起,但是,你的梦想就只值每周500美元吗?”18岁的他被老师的话震惊了。那个假期,他自觉地投入到了训练中。在当年的全美业余高尔夫球大奖赛上,他成为该项赛事最年轻的冠军。3年后,他成了一名职业高尔夫球手。他是迄今为止最伟大的高尔夫球运动员,他正创造着高尔夫球的神话:1999年,他成为世界排名第一的高尔夫球手;2002年,倔成为自1972年尼克劳斯之后连续获得美国大量赛事和美国分开赛冠军的首位选手。从1996年出道至今,他总共获得了39个冠军。如今,他以1亿美元的年收入成为世界上年收入最高的体育明星之一。他前后给母亲买了6栋别墅,位于不同的地主。他就是“老虎” 伍兹 。心语:一个人应该尽自己最大的努力,挖掘自己所有的潜力来实现自己的梦想。努力可能会失败,但放弃则意味着永远不可能成功。请试着像伍兹一样为了梦想奔跑,也许有一天,你也能为自己的母亲买6栋别墅。

Tuesday 11 December 2012


Do not pray for easy lives Pray to be Stronger Men ~ John F. Kennedy ~

Where there is LOVE there is LIFE ~ Mahatma Gandhi ~

Each one has to find his PEACE from within ~ Mahatma Gandhi ~

Imagination is more important than knowledge ~ Albert Einstein ~

ACTION is the foundation key to all success ~ Pablo Picasso ~

You can really Change the world if you Care enough ~ Marian Wright Edelman ~

A true Friend is one soul in two bodies ~ Aristotle ~

Attitude is the little thing that makes a big Difference ~ Winston Churchill ~

I have not Failed I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work ~ Albert Einstein ~

Most people spend more time and energy going around problems then in trying to solve them ~ Henry Ford 

Wisdom begins in Wonder ~ Socrates ~

Life is too important to be taken seriously ~ Oscar Wilde

Work is either fun or drudgery It depends on your attitude ~ Collen C. Barrett

The value of an idea lies in the using of it ~ Thomas A. Edison

Nothing happens unless first we dream ~ Carl Sandburg

If you are going through hell Keep going ~ Winston Churchill

A ship is safe in harbor but that's not what ships are for ~ William Shedd

Peace begins with a smile ~ Mother Teresa

Happiness belongs to the self-sufficient ~ Aristotle

Listen to advice but follow your heart ~ Conway Twitty

A day without laughter is a day wasted ~ Charlie Chaplin

The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up ~ Mark Twain

Keep in Mind

Companies IV

eBay Inc.
One of the first items sold on eBay was a broken laser pointer for $14.83. The most expensive item ever bought and sold on eBay was a Gulfstream Jet for approximately $4.9 million. It is estimated that eBay users world-wide trade more than $1,839 worth of goods every second.

Schlumberger Ltd
Schlumberger is the world's largest oilfield services company. Schlumberger employs over 100,000 people of more than 140 nationalities. Schlumberger crew left the rig earlier on the same day of the Gulf Deepwater Explosion caused by BP in 2010.

Johnson & Johnson
Some of Johnson & Johnson's most well-known products include Band-Aids, Neutrogena, and Tylenol. In 1888, Johnson & Johnson invented the first commercial first aid kits, and then primarily used for treating injured railroad workers. The first mass produced dental floss products are developed by Johnson & Johnson and sold to the public in 1898.

Laboratory Corp
Lab Corp traces its origin as a laboratory owned by Revlon. Lab Corp operates one of the largest clinical laboratory networks in the world. Lab Corp's most commonly requested tests include bloodwork, urine analysis, and HIV tests.

Kimberly Clark is most recognized for its innovation in its Pull-Ups diapers. Kimberly Clark's profits are largely affected by the fluctuations in lumber and fuel prices. Kimberly Clark's major brands are "Kleenex" and "Huggies".

Wells Fargo
Wells Fargo was the only bank in the US to be rated AAA by S&P in 2007. Wells Fargo was the first bank to introduce online personal banking accounts on the web in 1995. Wells Fargo was founded by Henry Wells and William Fargo to provide express banking services in California.

ExxonMobil is a direct descendant of the Standard Oil Company owned by the Rockefeller family during the late 1800s. The oil used to fuel the Wright Brothers' first flight was a product of the founding company of ExxonMobil. Inspired by the company's tiger mascot, ExxonMobil currently donates $1 million a year to a Save The Tiger Fund.

L-3 Communications
L-3 provides network communication for satellites, ships and airports. L-3 is named for Frank Lanza, Robert LaPenta, and Lehman Brothers. L-3 increased its revenues for over 13 consecutive years.

Intl Bus. Machines
IBM holds more patents than any other US based Technology Company. IBM employees have garnered five Nobel Prizes. IBM engineer developed the Universal Product Code (or barcode) in 1973.

Time Warner
In 1976 to 1984, the Atari video game company accounted for more than a third of Time Warner's revenue. During the AOL and Time Warner merger, the decision was criticized as one of the worst business moves of the decade. Time Warner is the world's second largest entertainment company in terms of revenue-- right behind Disney.

The Gap Inc.
Gap's two biggest brands are Gap and Old Navy, with Old Navy slightly larger than Gap in sales. Gap is the largest specialty apparel retailer in the US and the second largest in the world. Gap is named for the "Generation Gap" targeting younger generations.

Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard tossed the coin to decide whose name will appear first in the company name. HP was founded in a garage nearby Palo Alto with $538 seed money in 1939. Business Week picked HP as the world's 11th most valuable brand.

Bank of New York
Bank of New York is the oldest banking corporation in the US tracing its origins to Alexander Hamilton, American Founding Father. Bank of New York is the master custodian for the TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program) funds. Bank of New York headquarter is on 1 Wall Street, entrance to Wall Street in New York.

Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft IPO in 986 and its subsequent rise in stock price made 4 billionaires and 12,000 millionaires. Microsoft stock had the total of nine stock splits since its IPO in 1986. In China, 90% of all Windows operating systems are pirated.

Newmont Mining
Newmont Mining is the world's second largest gold producer. 12% rise in gold prices in 2009 helped Newmont's revenues increase by 26%. Newmont Mining is the only gold company in S&P 500 index.

Wynn Resorts
Wynn was founded by Steve Wynn, a former CEO of Mirage Resorts in Las Vegas. Almost 70% of Wynn's revenue comes from its Macau casinos. Wynn Resorts is headquartered in Paradise, Nevada.

Nike Inc.
Nike Inc. takes its name from Nike, the Greek goddess of victory. The well-known Nike "swoosh" was first used in 1971 on a soccer shoe. Nike has earned two Emmy Awards for their commercials, one in the 1990s and the other in 2002.

McDonald’s Corp
McDonald’s is the world's largest chain of fast food restaurants, serving more than 58million customers daily.
McDonald’s corporation's primary revenues come from the rents and royalties paid by the franchises. McDonald’s has increased shareholder dividends for 25 consecutive years.

Tyson Foods
Tyson Foods is the largest exporter of US beef. Tyson's biggest customer is Wal-Mart Stores. Every week, Tyson slaughters and packages over 40 million chickens, 170,000 cattle and 350,000 pigs.

Company III

Waste Management
Together with their main competitor, waste management collects more than half of all the garbage created in the United States. Waste management is North America’s largest recycler that caters to the residential population. Over 8 million tons of recyclable materials are collected every year by waste management.

Sony Corporation
The word "Sony" comes from the Latin word, Sonus, meaning sound. Sony’s PlayStation 2 (PS2) is currently the highest selling home video console of all time, selling over 140 million units. Sony’s most notable trademarks include Walkman, PlayStation, VAIO, and blue-ray disc.

Marriott International
The Marriott company original started in 1927, when J.Willard Marriott and his wife opened a Root Beer stand in Washington D.C. during the summer. The Marriott hotel in Detroit currently stands as the tallest hotel in the Western Hemisphere. Marriott opened two theme parks; both called Marriott's Great America, but were later sold and renamed California's Great America and Six Flags Great America.

Intel Corporation
When the company was first founded, the word "Intel" was already trademarked by a hotel chain. They then paid $15,000 for exclusive naming rights. The founder of Intel Robert Noyce, is credited with co-inventing the microchip, a small circuit used in nearly every modern electronic device. The cleanroom of a chip fabrication plant is 1,000 times cleaner than a typical hospital room.

Costco Wholesale
Costco is the world's largest retailer of fine wine. The Costco store-brand products are named "Kirkland Signature", which is named after the city where the company was founded. Costco was the first company ever to grow from zero to $6 billion in sales in just six years.

Clorox Co
Clorox was founded by five entrepreneurs in 1914 by each founder investing $100 apiece. The company was originally called "Electro-Alkaline" until its household product "Clorox" took off in sales. P&G briefly acquired Clorox in 1950's until the buyout was blocked by FTC and Clorox again was made in independent.

Capital One Financial
Capital One is the largest bank that started out as consumer lending "monoline". Capital One has one of the largest databases of consumer credit data. Capital One auto finance is the largest internet auto lender.

Expedia Inc.
Expedia was first founded as a division of Microsoft in 1996. In 2008, Expedia was named the third most admired Internet companies in the US after IAC and Google. Expedia brands include:,,, etc.

Allegheny Technologies
Allegheny is one of the largest specialty metals (titanium, alloys, stainless steels, etc.) producers in the world. Teledyne Technologies, a conglomerate with over 50 subsidiaries, was formed as a spin-off from Allegheny. Allegheny was criticized for discharging pollutants such as chromium, zinc, and oil to the nearby rivers.

Legg Mason Inc.
With close to $700 billion AUM, Legg Mason is 11th largest asset manager in the world. Legg Mason is the largest Company based in Baltimore. Legg Mason's multi-manager model enables each subsidiary to operate with a complete autonomy.

Toyota Motors
"Toyota" consists of eight strokes in the Japanese language-- a number thought to bring good fortune. Toyota also created robot machines designed to complete tasks such as assisting the elderly, manufacturing, and even playing the trumpet. Though the company is based in Japan, Toyota sells more vehicles in the United States than in Japan.

General Mills
The General Mills brand marketed over 100 well-known brands, including Betty Croker, Pillsbury, Cheerios and Red Lobster. In the 1930s, a General Mills engineer created the "puffing gun", which allows pieces of cereal to be distorted into different shapes. The pink heart shaped marshmallows in the Lucky Charms cereal, is the only shape to remain unchanged since the launch of the cereal in 1963.

Polo Ralph Lauren
Polo brand was launched in 1967 when Ralph Lauren got a $50,000 loan. It is illegal to sell Polo Ralph Lauren clothing in South Africa due to trademark rights of a local company, Polo South Africa. The first Polo product was men's ties.

Companies II

Pfizer Corporation
Contributions from Pfizer pharmacists helped the mass production of penicillin, a medicine that helped to treat wounded soldiers during WWII. Well-known Pfizer products include chapstick, advil and robitussin. Pfizer’s Feldene, an anti-inflammatory medicine, was the first product to make over $1 billion in US sales.

FedEx Corporation
Fred smith got a "C" in college for his economics paper about overnight delivery services that later became the business plan for FedEx. FedEx operates in 220 countries and delivers to every address in the US. The ground fleet for FedEx includes over 80,000 motorized vehicles for ground and freight services.

Cisco Systems Inc.
The name "Cisco" is derived from San Francisco, the famous California city close where the company was founded. In late march 2000, at the height of the "dot com bubble", cisco was the world's most valuable company. The founders, Sandy Lerner and Len Bosack, were married when the company was founded, but got divorced after the company increased in size.

News Corporation
News Corp. is the world's third largest media company after Disney and Time Warner. Some of the notable News Corp. holdings are: Fox News, Wall Street Journal, MySpace, New York Post, etc. Original an Australian, Rupert Murdoch became US citizen to satisfy the law that only US citizens can own American TV networks.

AT&T Inc.
AT&T traces its origin from southwestern bell corporation named after telephone inventor, alexander graham bell. In 2010, consumer reports named AT&T as the worst wireless provider in the country. Until early 2011, apple's iPhone were only available in AT&T wireless network.

Fiserv Inc.
Now serving many largest financial institutions in the US, Fiserv began as a provider of data processing for small banks and thrifts. In 2007, Fiserv acquired Checkfree Corporation, the industry leader in online bill pay. Fiserv has been ranked the largest provider of information technology services to the financial services industry.

Alcoa Inc.
Alcon's name comes from "the aluminum company of America" Alcoa's founder Charles Hali's discovery of smelting aluminum in 1886 is still the only process used to make aluminum worldwide. Alcoa is the world third largest producer of aluminum, behind Rio Tinto Alcan and Rusal.

Intl Paper
The first paper mill in the US was built by International Paper in 1869 near Hudson River. International paper is the largest producer of plastic lids and paper cups that we see in McDonald's, Wendy's, Subway, Starbucks, etc. International paper was a component of Dow Jones Industrial Average for almost 50 years until it was dropped in 2004.

General Electric
In 2010, Forbes ranked General Electric as the second largest company in the world. General Electric was originally founded by Thomas Edison, the inventor of the light bulb, and was named Edison General Electric. This company was one of the original 12 stocks to be incorporated in the Dow Jones Industrial Average, and the only one that still remains.

In 1985, the company produced the first computer of its own design, and sold to the public for $795. In the late 2006, Dell lost its lead in the worldwide shipping units to Hewlett Packard for the first time in many years. Dell offers a 24 hour 7 days a week customer support system, a fairly uncommon practice amongst consumer electronics.

Best Buy
Best Buy was originally named Sound of Music, and was re-named in 1983. Best Buy was named "company of the year" by Forbes Magazine in 2004. Best buy is the largest retailer of cellular phones, providing models from Verizon, AT&T, Sprint PCS, and T-Mobile.

Goodyear Tire & Rub
Goodyear Blimp first flew in 1925 and became one of the most recognizable advertising icons in America. The first Goodyear factory opened in 1898 making horseshoe pads and poker chips. Although the company was not connected to him, it was named after the vulcanized rubber inventor, Charles Goodyear.

Pacific Gas & Electric
The origins of PG&E were founded in San Francisco in 1854; the streets of the city were first lit by gas-powered lamps. When the name PG&E was incorporated, it was a consolidation of over two dozen gas and electric companies from across the state of California. In 1930, PG&E began delivering natural gas to Northern California through the largest pipeline in the world- stretching from Texas to California.


Apple Inc.
-Innovative consumer technology making iPhones and iPads.
The Apple IPO made the most millionaires in one single day, in history up to that point in time. The original apple logo featured Sir Isaac Newton about to be struck on the head by, an apple. There have been marriage proposals inside apple stores all across the United States.

Coca-Cola Company
-International beverage retailer with Coca-Cola Classic and Diet Coke.
Only produces concentrated syrup, not the actual coke drink, which is then distributed to various Coca-Cola bottlers. The recipe for the signature Coca-Cola soft drink was created by a pharmacist in 1886. They serve approximately 1.6 billion servings of their products each day.

Google Inc.
-Internet conglomerate products include Google search engine and Gmail.
Approximately 99% of Google’s revenue is derived from advertising programs. Google processes over 24 Petra bytes of user-generated data everyday (or over 24,000 TB!). When originally being developed, the Google search engine was called "Black Rub".

Ford Motor Company
-Automobile manufacturer; products include the Ford F-150, and the Ford Focus.
The Ford model k, the first six-cylinder are developed by the company, was sold for approximately $2800 in 1907--very expensive for a car during that time. By 1920, nearly half of all the automobiles on the roads in the United States were produced by Ford. Ford has been controlled by the same family for over 100 years.

Disney Inc.
-Entertainment company, well known for animated movies and Mickey Mouse.
The first original cartoon creation by Walt Disney was not mickey mouse, but Oswald the rabbit. "The lion king', released in 1994, is the most successful hand-drawn animated movie of all time. Disneyland has only had a total of three unplanned park closures- after the assassination of JFK, the September 11th attacks, and following a local earthquake.

Eastman Kodak
-Produces photo materials and equipment, including cameras and film.
George Eastman registered Kodak as a trademark and coined the phrase "you press the button and we do the rest". In 2004, Kodak announced it would stop marketing traditional film cameras in favor of digital cameras. Steven Sasson, then an electrical engineer at Kodak, invented the digital camera in 1975.

Baidu Inc.
The name "Baidu" is a quote from the last line of Chinese classical poem more than 800 years ago. Baidu is the no. 1 search engine in China, controlling over 60 percent of Chinese market 2010. Baidu has a long history of being the most proactive and restrictive online censor in the search arena.

Yahoo Inc.
Yahoo is short for "yet another hierarchical officious oracle". In 2008, Microsoft made an offer to buy Yahoo for $44.6 billion and was rejected by Jerry Yang, the founder of Yahoo. Yahoo stock was at all-time high of $118.75 in January of 2000 and got down to $4.05 after dot-com bubble burst.

Starbucks Corporation
The "Starbucks" comes from the name of a fictional first-mate aboard the Pequod in the famous novel Moby Dick. It is estimated that during the 1990s and part of the 2000s, the Starbucks company built a new coffeehouse every single working day of the year. The first Starbucks coffeehouse is located in Seattle, Washington.

Bank of America
Bank of America was original called bank of Italy, and catered towards Italian immigrants living in the San Francisco bay area. In 1958, bank of America released a new credit card system called Bank Americard, which was then renamed visa. After the Merrill Lynch acquisition, Bank of America became the world's largest wealth manager.